Thursday, May 21, 2009

protect ya neck

after 30 years of life, i haven't broken a bone. and i don't know if that's somethin' to be celebrated or criticized. i mean, a broken bone really says somethin' about your character and your past. you adventured. you played sports. you hopped fences when you weren't supposed to. a broken bone doesn't happen when you're safe, or when you play life vicariously. a broken bone doesn't happen when you aim for high score in altered beast or when you think things through during an argument rather than punch a brick wall. a broken bone means you obey traffic laws, you don't ride a bike in the city, and you pay your dues on time. a broken bone prevents you from repeating certain mistakes 'cause a broken bone is a life lesson.

but it looks like it hurts too much, yo.

san francisco, ca, 1998

mr. mark does get shin splints though.

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