Thursday, May 7, 2009

hey lover

sometimes i feel like there was more of a formality to our relationships when we were younga. i like you, you like me, put a check in the box, make fun of me in front of my face, whateva. but now, we put all these signals and shit in front of everything.
"what does this mean?"
"wait 8 days before calling."
"he left the condom inside me."
well, some signs are easier than others. regardless, it'd be nice to go back to the earlier method where a simple "i like you" and check in a box set you on your path before "i love you" and profolactic scavenger hunts became a meaning for so many different things.

potomac, md, 1992

mr. mark would like you to check "yes" or "no" to liking this blog entry.

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